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Fly Fishing Vacations

Czech nymphing on the River Inney, CornwallFish the River Dee in North Wales or the River Inney in Cornwall
From beautifully formed wild brown trout to grayling we have an exciting and enjoyable days fishing in store for you. Our expert guides will not only put you on the fish but teach you all the skills necessary to successfully fish any river that will last a lifetime. Czech nymphing, upstream dry and traditional wet fly to name but a few. Coupled with a selection of Steve's river patterns that will increase the success of the day.

A grayling darts for the trees
At present we offer guiding on two rivers although we will be increasing this in the near future. The River Dee in north Wales and the river Inney in Cornwall both offer an excellent head of fish. Both rivers are dramatically different in size and character. The Dee is much wider than the Inney with larger pools and plenty of wading where as the Inney requires a more stealthy approach. The Dee is available nearly all year whilst the Inney is from March until early October.

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